Bali Hai Tour Reservation

To ensure we give you the best service possible, Bali Hai Tour recommends reservations for your tour.

Please complete the following reservation form, fields marked with an * (asterisk) must be filled for the reservation can be submitted succesfully. If you can not submit the form, please check for any fields marked with red annotation and asterisks, fill or change its value and then try to submit it again.

Should you have any questions or problems making a booking online,
please contact us at:

Tour details
Pick a date to check availability
Type Spaces Price Amount
Adult 50 50
Child (6-12 yo) 30 0
Infant (0-5 yo) 15 0
Add-on 50
Total (US$) 50

Pricing options:

Number of adult ULT+ ULT PRM STD
2 - 555 US$ 52 US$50 US$ 47 US$42 US$ 38 US$ 35 US$
6 - 1047 US$43 US$38 US$33 US$
11 - 1545 US$40 US$35 US$30 US$
> 1540 US$35 US$30 US$25 US$

Click here for package comparison details.
Number of adult Price
1105 US$/pax
2 - 470 US$/pax
65 US$/pax
5 - 860 US$/pax
> 855 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
195 US$/pax
2 - 460 US$/pax
50 US$/pax
5 - 850 US$/pax
> 845 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
170 US$/pax
2 - 460 US$/pax
55 US$/pax
5 - 1050 US$/pax
> 1045 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
165 US$/pax
2 - 545 US$/pax
38 US$/pax
6 - 1233 US$/pax
> 1230 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
170 US$/pax
2 - 545 US$/pax
40 US$/pax
6 - 1235 US$/pax
> 1230 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
180 US$/pax
2 - 555 US$/pax
50 US$/pax
6 - 1245 US$/pax
> 1240 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
160 US$/pax
2 - 345 US$/pax
4 - 635 US$/pax
> 625 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
160 US$/pax
2 - 345 US$/pax
42 US$/pax
4 - 635 US$/pax
> 625 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
190 US$/pax
2 - 360 US$/pax
57 US$/pax
4 - 550 US$/pax
> 545 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
180 US$/pax
245 US$/pax
3 - 440 US$/pax
> 435 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
160 US$/pax
2 - 435 US$/pax
5 - 1030 US$/pax
> 1025 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
1130 US$/pax
2 - 585 US$/pax
75 US$/pax
6 - 1270 US$/pax
> 1265 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
1140 US$/pax
2 - 5100 US$/pax
95 US$/pax
6 - 1290 US$/pax
> 1280 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
190 US$/pax
2 - 360 US$/pax
55 US$/pax
4 - 650 US$/pax
7 - 1245 US$/pax
> 1240 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
1115 US$/pax
2 - 570 US$/pax
65 US$/pax
6 - 1260 US$/pax
> 1255 US$/pax
Number of adult Price
1115 US$/pax
2 - 570 US$/pax
65 US$/pax
6 - 1260 US$/pax
> 1255 US$/pax
Personal Information
I want to complete the payment after submitting this reservation.

Secure Online Payment

Clicking the “Submit Reservation” button below will submit your order and take you to a page where you can complete the payment.


Please enter the code in the image below (to protect from spammers).
If you cannot see the code, click here to reload it.


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