Visiting the magnificent KEHEN Temple
Our next stop point on our descent will be at the magnificent KEHEN temple. Bali's second largest temple. The temple has three courtyards connected by steps, and is decorated with carvings and statues. A large banyan tree shades the lowest and second courtyards. You will be able to enter the temple to see it in all its splendour and if by any chance there is a ceremony taking place, you will be invited to witness the colourful event and our guides will explain you the significance of the ritual.

Kehen Temple is a beautiful Hindu temple located in foothills, south part of Bangli Regency and it is about 45 kms from Denpasar town. Inside of this temple, there is a place called Panyimpenan, a building that keeps 3 inscriptions which is relating to its contents and temple existence. This temple is strategically located in the high land, so we can see the beautiful view. It is a famous temple in Bali and many visitors from foreign country has visited it.

The existence of the inscription at Kehen Temple can be explained as follows:
- Kehen Temple Inscription ‘A' is mentioning the existence of 3 sanctums those are Hyang Api, Hyang Tanda, and Hyang Karimama
- Kehen Temple Inscription ‘B' from 11 century is mentioning the empire functionary that is the Senapati Kuturan mpu Kandara and it elaborate with the anathema words in oath
- The Inscription from 13 century (year 1204 M) is mentioning Hyang Kehen and Hyang Wukir. At the moment Hyang Kehen is equal to Kehen Temple and Hyang Wukir is Puncak Bukit Bangli Temple.

Function of Kehen Temple
- It is one of Monarchic Temple, the temple under the aegis of king while ceremony execution and construction is delivered to local countryside custom.
- As a sanctum which is used as a altar (oath) for empire functionary who disloyal to his obligation will incur the Sapata or very horrible anathema. The function of Kehen Temple as sanctum in execution of oath ceremony is supported by the existence of a circumlocutory canister by 4 dragon tails which is called canister Sarpantaka. Nowadays, the canister is placed in a building in form of Gedong.
- Worshiping supremacy Siwa God in the form of Eka Dasa Rudra utilizes to request the godsend to the good human life and universe for blessing of fertile life, secure, prosperous and peaceful.

The structure of Kehen Temple yard is arranged to have a terrace and it shows the existence of tradition megalithic which is continued as a symbol from the existence of mount that is one of the fertility sources.
The temple festival can be divided into 2 types those are Piodalan ceremony which is executed every 6 month, that is on Wednesday Keliwon Sinta (Balinese Calendar) and Ngusaba ceremony which is executed every 5 years.
See more photos of Kehen temple